AbuseIPDB » 2a06:4880:6000::8f

2a06:4880:6000::8f was found in our database!

This IP was reported 808 times. Confidence of Abuse is 54%: ?


Important Note: Public IPv6 addresses may implement the SLAAC privacy extension. With this, the interface identifier is randomly generated. The SLAAC privacy extension also implements a time out, which is configurable, so that the IPv6 interface addresses will be discarded and a new interface identifier is generated.

ISP Constantine Cybersecurity Ltd.
Usage Type Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
Hostname(s) inventive.census.internet-measurement.com
Domain Name cyber.casa
Country United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
City London, England

IP info including ISP, Usage Type, and Location provided by IP2Location. Updated monthly.

IP Abuse Reports for 2a06:4880:6000::8f:

This IP address has been reported a total of 808 times from 32 distinct sources. 2a06:4880:6000::8f was first reported on , and the most recent report was .

Recent Reports: We have received reports of abusive activity from this IP address within the last week. It is potentially still actively engaged in abusive activities.

Reporter IoA Timestamp in UTC Comment Categories
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=37292 dstport=139
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=36996 dstport=5706
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=48638 dstport=9096
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=36164 dstport=9104
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=35536 dstport=49208
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=56252 dstport=8089
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=49840 dstport=5124
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=51426 dstport=1835
Port Scan
Cynar & Cinny
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=36071 dstport=27009
Port Scan
FW-PortScan: Traffic Blocked srcport=54508 dstport=1503
Port Scan
Unauthorized connection attempt to port 56668 from 2a06:4880:6000:0000:0000:0000:0000:008f
Port Scan
Unauthorized connection attempt to port 8621 from 2a06:4880:6000:0000:0000:0000:0000:008f
Port Scan
port scan
Port Scan
Unauthorized connection attempt to port 8443 from 2a06:4880:6000:0000:0000:0000:0000:008f
Port Scan

Showing 301 to 315 of 808 reports

Is this your IP? You may request to takedown any associated reports. We will attempt to verify your ownership. Request Takedown 🚩

Recently Reported IPs: